Movie Information
Release Date: February 7, 2014
Director: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Writer: Dan Hageman, Kevin Hageman, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Cast: Chris Pratt, Morgan Freeman, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Craig Berry, Alison Brie, David Burrows, Anthony Daniels, Charlie Day, Amanda Farinos, Keith Ferguson, Will Ferrell, Will Forte, Dave Franco, Todd Hansen, Jonah HIll, Jake Johnson
MPAA Rating: PG
Runtime: 100 minutes
Studio: Fox Studios
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Language: English
Country: USA, Australia, Denmark
In it’s duration there’s a catchy and extremely addictive song titled, “Everything is Awesome!” If you sung that song about the entire film you wouldn’t be wrong. Absolutely everything is awesome about The Lego Movie and even if I tried I couldn’t find one complaint. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had this much fun at the theater. The soundtrack is fantastic and I can’t wait to have a copy of my own. The story while being a Lego movie, is so deep that it caters to both adults and children. On top of having a great time everyone is sure to learn something that they can apply to the real world. The celebrity cast is endless with a few great surprises and cameos. The effects are top notch and I’m still in shock of the level of detail within the Lego designs. There is just absolutely nothing not to like here and I don’t see how anyone could disagree.
One of the biggest problems in today’s world can be blamed on ourselves. We can be our own worst critics not believing in ourselves to do amazing things. There’s a constant struggle of those clamoring over each other for acceptance in the world, even if that acceptance to only be considered an equal rather than superior. So many people day in and day out compare themselves to others hoping they may get a piece of the pie that’s not even there for them in the first place. In a sense that who out main character Emmet struggles with. For some odd reason he doesn’t believe in his own abilities. He’s happy just following instructions and going with the flow of society with no input of his own. He’s just as bland as one could be, but decides to make a change once he realizes his peers don’t approve.
Now I can go on and on about how great this film is. As I stated earlier the effects are done extremely well and every piece of dialogue is hilarious, but what stands out for me the most is the message the films conveys. That message is that if you truly believe in yourself not comparing yourselves to others you can do amazing things. This is Emmet’s life force and it’s not a good one. He’s literally afraid to try to things because of his low confidence. Though when he does he ends up saving the day. There are a ton of messages thrown in your face while some are subliminal. This film took all the negative things about society and slapped it dead in the face. The pace of the film is so fast that you may not catch them all. I have no problem with that approach because it just warrants repeat viewing. There’s also a few messages about parenting and just letting go being happy with what’s around you. Not being a dictator and simply working together. If you’re reading this please take my word and don’t miss out on this opportunity at the theater, and I only say that because The Lego Movie is a Cinematic Masterpiece!