Movie Information
Release Date: June, 13 2014
Director: Phil Lord and Christopher Miller
Writer: Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel, Rodney Rothman, Jonah Hill
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Peter Stormare, Wyatt Russell, Amber Stevens, Jillian Bell, Ice Cube, The Lucas Brothers, NIck Offerman, Jimmy Tatro, Caroline Aaron, Craig Roberts, Marc Evan Jackson, Joe Chrest, Eddie J. Fernandez, Rye Rye, Johnny Pemberton
MPAA Rating: R
Runtime: 112 minutes
Production Company: Columbia Pictures, Metro Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Media Rights Capital
Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
Language: English
Country: USA
I really enjoyed 21 jump street. It took the average comedic genre with the traditional Hollywood formula and turned it right up on its head. It was a fresh take on an old franchise that breathed life into reboots, and showed promise for the future. While ‘21 JUMP STREET’ was great, ‘22 JUMP STREET’ is far superior to the previous film across the board, and I couldn’t ask for more. It pays off when a film knows exactly what it is and takes advantage of that notion. The reason being is that subject matter is most hilarious when true, and this film knows that. ‘22 JUMP STREET’ has so much confidence that even if you don’t find it funny (which you will), you’ll respect its take on character moments, funny dialogue, and self-identification. Your stomach will hurt from laughing so hard, and it’s a must see that won’t come close to disappointment. I can understand when a film wants to use the ‘if it isn’t broke don’t fix it’ formula. I mean who wouldn’t? If you have a proven method that you know you’ll get a return on why take the risk? A sane person wouldn’t, if you ask most people. Sometimes this works and sometimes you get a train wreck (e.g., Hangover 2). Fortunately this is a perfect example of it working while adding more flare to the project. Even focusing on a return, the film addresses that exact issue sometimes acknowledging how major studios sign on the dotted line for washed down sequels, doubling the budget, hoping for double profit. It can be a real head scratcher and 22 Jump Street tackles that head on. This is exactly what I mean when stating the film knows exactly what it is. On top of the film acknowledging itself with such finesse, the characters stepped their game up as well. Tatum and Hill play off of each other, as if this was a real life enactment of partners (whether it be life or professional) instead of reading from a script. Not only do they have excellent comedic timing together, even when they’re in their own scenes their own personalities shine bright to another sensational moment. Since both Tatum and Hill both have careers in comedy (especially Hill), it helps that their characters in the film are placed into situations where improvisation is paramount. There was a scene where Hill has to go up on stage, and he’s literally making things up as he goes. It was genius! Not only do the two mains step up to the next level, but Ice-Cube does as well. While his appearance in the first film was in my opinion a brief cameo, his character this time around is louder, funnier, and fits into the subplot that adds to possibly the climax of the comedic elements. He even helps cater a new cameo which adds even more bang to your buck. At times, you missed the next jokes because the audience (including myself) is still laughing at the previous ones. As far as the plot goes, it’s more of the same in a different location. This isn’t a complaint because it flows so well with everything else around it. Even if the pacing thinks about getting dull (which it doesn’t), all the dry humor and sarcasm light things back up like the 4th of July. With all the laughter going on, you may almost forget there’s an actual case that still needs to be solved. You’re so stuck on the character moments and their relationships, which slightly shift from the first film, so it’s nearly impossible not to have a great time. It also nice to see where their characters will end up socially, adapting to their new surroundings with walks of life they may or may not feel are glorious. This is great because it adds to another goal the film accomplishes by keeping the audience entertained through multiple avenues. I do wish I could say it’s a perfect film, but I can’t, though it does come close. Once the shit hits the fan and the secrets out, it does get a little silly in its execution and lags a bit. The lagging was funny, but there was a joke or two that could’ve been cut down 30 seconds. Though if you notice it’s only 30 seconds and still hilarious. My expectations for 22 JUMP STREET were quite high to be honest, and I’m proud to say they were exceeded. Directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller knew exactly what they were doing with both films of Jump Street, and it’s obvious they put a ton of passion into this project. They took an old franchise, dusted it off, and delivered high quality entertainment that should be seen by the masses. ‘22 JUMP STREET’ is a bold film that knows exactly what it is and is not ashamed of that fact. The characters are hilarious, the plot is sound, and it’s even tailored for more. This is one that will have you laughing for days and running to all your inner circles, raving about the great experience you’ll most likely have.