Movie Information
Release Date: January 31,2014
Director: Tom Gormican
Writer: Tom Gormican
Cast: Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Imogen Poots, Mackenzie Davis, Jessica Lucas, Addison Timlin, Josh Pais, Evelina Turen, Karen Ludwig, Tina Benko, Joseph Adams, Lola Glaudini, John Rothman, Babara Garrick, Raul Casso
MPAA Rating: R
Runtime: 94 minutes
Studio: Treehouse Pictures
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Language: English
Country: USABudget: $8,000,000
‘THAT AWKWARD MOMENT’ I thought this would be a lot of fun when I first saw the trailer. You’ll have to find out later if I still felt that way after I walked out the theater. I considered it to be a male centered romantic comedy that would possibly shed light on male bachelorhood. It did in a sense, but on the other hand I thought a few of its beats were unrealistic, especially regarding the dating world. I was able to relate to all the characters except for one, but I can’t complain about that. I also laughed out loud at certain scenes and may have accidentally disturbed others. Its ending had a nice touch and I feel that director Tom Gormican did a fine job with his directorial debut.
It has been quite a long time since I can remember a film of this genre popping off with an intro that hit the nail exactly on the head. No offense ladies, but sometimes when men and women are involved one party may think you’re dating, when the other may just be considering it random hangout sessions. It’s a blurry line sometimes and most men can make it very confusing. Reason why I loved the intro so much especially with the title reveal of “That Awkard Moment”.
Our main cast is Jason (Zac Efron) who some may consider a player, Daniel (Miles Teller) the don’t take serious always cracking jokes buddy, and Mikey (Michael B. Jordan) the sad, sometimes funny friend going through a divorce. It’s just three guys living in New York that enjoy that are enjoying life taking things one day at a time. On a positive note, while alI three seem to be at different points in their lives, the film still had enough time to step back and delve into their friendship. These gentleman know each other like the back of their own hands, to the point they may be able to finish each other sentences. When they hit the local bars of New York they’re sure to have a great time. On a negative note, at times I felt their friendship was a bit too close to a front I can’t buy as realistic. I have my circle of friends but only one or two that I can possibly consider a best friend. With that being said I don’t feel I will ever be close enough to casual share mishaps of my penis just for laughs. There was one particular scene that would have been hilarious and possibly considered Top 10 in the past decade if executed properly but instead I kept saying to myself that men won’t do this in any situation. I don’t care how close they are and it just won’t happen. I thought that was ridiculous. As far as Mikey’s character is concerned, he was the weakest of the bunch. When dealing with problems in his marriage, the only person he blames is himself. He doesn’t fight for anything and is just so passive. I thought he needed to grow a pair to be honest and is probably the reason why a divorce seems inevitable. Daniel was a slightly better in my opinion. Even though he joked all the time with everyone, I took it as some defense mechanism and I’ve met my share of individuals like that. My favorite friend was Jason the main character. I couldn’t help but relate to how sometimes our mind can play tricks on us in dating situations that started out with such promise, ended on some random miscommunication or over analyzing. Then a few jokes on thrown on top and you had me smiling. There was one scene that Jason was thrown into, and while I must admit if I was put into that situation, I would’ve ran the other way in fear. He didn’t do that except the opposite. He dusted off his shoulders and took it all in stride and ended up becoming the life of the party. That’s why I favored him the most.
Moving right along when all three friends came together, at times I couldn’t help but feel a sense of cock blocking (To hinder, by whatever means, the chances of another male from getting a sexual encounter with a female) taking over. I never knew of a situation when a woman comes around that the guy actually likes and his friends are trying to talk him out of courting her. The romance had a nice touch too. All the relationships between the men and women felt complete, and I could honestly see the couples presented in the real world. I cared about the outcome and hoped for the best and it was given to me without being corny or shoving it down my throat. Again there was some missed beats with men sharing ice cream with the same spoon, and the decision of putting on pants was ignored, but overall I had a fun time.