Follows the journey of a street-smart teenager whose life is forever transformed when he moves from the streets of West Philadelphia to live with his rich Aunt, Uncle and Cousins in Bel-Air which is one of Los Angeles’s wealthiest suburbs.
S3.E1 ∙ Baby, I’m Back:
Summertime in Bel-Air brings big changes for the Banks family, who prepare to host their annual Juneteenth festivities.
S3.E2 ∙ Pivot:
Will and Carlton get jobs at the Beverly Hills Country Club, but the experience is nothing like they expected; looking to level up, they find inspiration at Phil’s law firm event.
S3.E3 ∙ True Colors:
Will and Carlton go to a downtown car event to promote their new brand, “Blackccess”; Phil scopes out a potential client; Viv finds her Neeman Fellowship candidate in an unexpected place.