Set in modern-day America, Peacock’s new one-hour drama series ‘Bel-Air’ re-imagines the beloved sitcom ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ through a new, dramatic take on Will’s complicated journey from the streets of West Philadelphia to the gated mansions of Bel-Air. As these two worlds collide, Will reckons with the power of second chances while navigating the conflicts, emotions, and biases of a world far different from the only one he’s ever known.
Episode 10 Recap – “Don’t Look Back”
The Banks family comes together for the announcement of the Founder’s Award; Will embraces moving forward in an unexpected way.
Episode 9 Recap – “Just Like Old Times”
Will confides in Phil about the shocking information he discovered regarding Doc and Zenith; Carlton struggles to keep up with all the lies he’s entangled himself in.
Episode 8 Recap – “Pursuit Of Happiness”
Will discovers the truth about his teammate’s absence, making him question his future; Carlton spirals out of control.
Episode 7 Recap – “Under Pressure”
External dilemmas throw Carlton and Will off track and prevent them from fully preparing for the Founder’s Award.
Episode 6 Recap – “Let The Best Man Win”
Phil hosts the Banks family reunion, and Carlton works hard to impress his dad; Will considers accepting the Founder’s Award nomination.
Episode 5 Recap – “Excellence Is Everywhere”
In a twist of fate, Will struggles on his new basketball team but is nominated for a leadership award at BelAir Academy.
Episode 4 Recap – “Don’t Kill My Vibe”
After the protest, Will is suspended from the Bel-Air basketball team and looks to join an AAU team with Phil’s permission. Carlton deals with the fallout from the protest.
Episode 3 Recap – “Compromised”
When Ashley’s favorite teacher is fired, Will goes to great lengths to help her out and leaves Carlton in an uncomfortable position.
Episode 2 Recap – “Speaking Truth”
Will alienates himself from the Bel-Air basketball team and finds appealing opportunities in love and basketball with the help of some new South LA friends.
Episode 1 Recap – “A Fresh Start”
Will strives to be fully independent from the Banks family after his fallout with Lou. Ashley celebrates her 13th birthday.