Just My Opinion Reviews


Movie Information

Release Date: January 27, 2017

Director: Paul W.S. Anderson

Writer: Paul W.S. Anderson

Cast: Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen, Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts, Eoin Macken, Fraser James, Ruby Rose, William Levy, Rola, Ever Anderson, Mark Simpson, Milton Schorr, Siobhan Hodgson, Joon-Gi Lee, Aubrey Shelton, Caroline Midgley, Dylan Skews, Kevin Otto, Lee Raviv, Deniel Denysschen, Leo Russel, Matthew Bartman, Raquel Garza, Rebecca Welmans, Vian Singleton, Leigh-Anne Benham, Stephanie Hough

MPAA Rating: R

Runtime: 106 minutes

Production Company: Capcom Company, Capcom Entertainment, Constantin Film International, Constantin Film Produktion, Davis-Films, Don Carmody Productions, Impact Pictures, Screen Gems

Genre: Action, Horror, Science Fiction

Language: English

Country: France, Germany, Canada, Australia

Budget: $40,000,000

One thing that I can say about the Resident Evil franchise is it gets the job done and never stops. There aren’t too many properties that make it to their 6th installment without losing their popularity. Based off the video game from the 90’s, fans from around the world stay loyal to this world of monsters and mayhem, regardless of how ridiculous the plot gets. That what makes Resident Evil special. It goes for the ridiculous and is beyond proud to do so. That ridiculousness still needs to be grounded within universal rules that are set before, and for the supposed last film in the franchise it misses that mark horrifically.

Something that I loved about each chapter is the next one started off literally where the last film left off. It was the perfect continuity that tied it all together into one massive film. I don’t think it is proper or necessary to have to go back and re-watch old footage to prepare yourself for the next, but this last chapter started off having nearly nothing to do with what came before. It was depressing that part five ended on such a high note, making you long for the sequel for years, only to be let down in the opening act of part 6. It was a hard mountain to climb.

Another obstacle was trying to get to know a group of characters you’ve never met before. The actors that lived in the last film, besides the main lead, are nowhere to be found and no explanation is given. Even with most audiences looking for the guts and glory, we still want characters to attach to. The feeling that certain people started in the beginning and made it to the end is fulfilling. If it’s not there, there’s really no point to continue. You have to enjoy the victory alone, and that’s what it felt like here.

Though if you put all the characters aside, just wanting the action, you’ll still be disappointed. This is possibly the least entertaining installment of the series. Even if certain action moves in the previous film were shot in slow motion and were corny, it was still cool. The film embraced each character with a fighting stance and battle axe. There were multiple epic standoffs that made you want to cheer in your seat. The score in the background intensified the environment even more. None of that was in the final chapter, and I’m left wondering why. ALL recognizable characters, good or bad, from the past didn’t show us anything. It was as if they just gave up. Every zombie was a bland number on a page that served no purpose.

The biggest downfall I can say was the editing of the action. That may have been the point in the editing room, to make things as confusing as possible; because that’s what it felt like. There were more jump cuts in the film than grains of sand at the beach. Not to mention certain scenes had strobe lights flickering while jump cutting, which could possibly cause a seizure. Just a hot sloppy mess of garbage with no care in the world. Then to top it off the antagonist could’ve succeeded in his master plan if it wasn’t for his ego. So you’re rolling your eyes when unnecessary exposition fills your air waves, and all you’re saying to yourself is, “Shoot the person already.”

I was a fan of the video game and the films early on, as it gave the people the carnage and destruction we all craved for. But just like the game, I want to have a challenge to reach the next level. No matter how well the stunts are, they should make sense in a perfect world. That happened early on in the franchise, but started to degrade down from the special moments that can turn a normal person into a lean mean fighting machine. The Last Chapter is the definition of anti-climactic, with nothing more exciting than watching paint dry. Maybe they’ll make another to make up for this pathetic attempt, but if they don’t I won’t lose any sleep.

My Rating : 3 / 10